Monday, August 1, 2011

July 29 - Motorcycling Some More - South to Homer

Homer is about 35 miles south of Ninilchik, so a much shorter ride today.  We started out on the Skyline Drive for a bird's eye view of Homer and the Homer Spit.  What a view!

And a zoom-in on the end of the Spit...

While the main part of town is up on the high ground, the Spit is for the tourists.  It's full of shops, restaurants, and fishing charter services.  Pretty neat place, like most tourist traps.

We also took a drive about 25 miles east of town on what else - East End Road.  The rode climbed up to give a great view of Kachemak Bay and the mountains and glaciers on the other side.  Found a nice place to stop for some pics.

The long days here make for some BIG wildflowers too.

Roxane even found a nice patch of bear grass that posed for her.

And right in the middle of town, an eagle's nest with the younguns (yep there's two) watching the cars - and motorcycles, go by.

Tomorrow it's finally time for some halibut fishing!


  1. It looks like you had a nice sunshiny day in Homer. It was socked in with clouds both days we were there. We enjoyed walking around on the spit anyway, and driving through town.

  2. What a beautiful place. Loved the eagles!
