Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 8 - Denali NP Day 2 cont'd

After dinner and a little rest to get the kinks out from the Mt. Healy hike, we took the truck out the park road to Savage River again.  The wildlife was more active this time.  We came up on this mother moose walking towards us in the road.  She headed off into the trees when she saw us.

We spotted her baby in the thick stuff on the other side of the road, and it didn't take long for a couple other vehicles and a park bus to stop for a look.  So we moved on, hoping the baby would catch up with her.

We saw about 6 more moose feeding.  They were all a long ways off and none with antlers.  This pic was taken zoomed in at 42X on our digital zoom.

A few miles further and another bus and some cars were stopped looking at something.  We thought another moose, but it turned out to be our first caribou.  It was sure impressive with giant antlers, and just kept feeding about 30 yards off the road as people stopped to take pictures.

We're still hoping to see a brown bear (grizzly) and some Dall sheep.  Our best chance though will probably be when we take the bus ride deeper into the park on Thursday.

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