Monday, August 1, 2011

July 28 - Motorcycling on the Kenai Peninsula

We had some great weather on Thursday and Friday, so we finally rolled out the Road King for some Alaska biking.  On Thursday, we rode north to the City of Kenai and beyond to the Captain Cook State Park, about 90 miles one way from our camp at Ninilchik.

Kenai is a pretty good-sized town.  Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowes, plus all the fishing-related industry for the salmon runs up the Kenai River.  Unfortunately, while it was sunny, it was only about 60 degrees, so between the cold and hanging on through the bumpy roads, the back seat photographer didn't pull out the camera much.

We did manage to get a shot at the Captain Cook State Park overlook though.  We ended up staying here for about an hour talking to other folks who were vacationing in Alaska, including a couple of other Harley riders from South Carolina.  It's nice to share experience and tips with others on what to see and do.

On the way back through Kenai, we rode through Old Town Kenai and got a pic of the old Russian Church.  Pretty cool.  The whole west side of the Kenai has a lot of Russian heritage from back in the days when it was actually part of Russia.

On our way back through Ninilchik, we stopped at their old town too.  It's first residents were Russian as well and many descendants still live there.  Here's the view of town from the other side of the Ninilchik River.

If you look close at the top of the hill, you can see their Russian church overlooking town.

Luckily we didn't have to walk the path up the hill to get a closer look as there is a road to it too.

We got back to camp in time for dinner, another sunset over Mt. Redoubt, and to watch the eagles messin' around.

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