Monday, July 11, 2011

July10 - The Skeena River and Prince Rupert

No rain in the forecast, so we decided to go for it.....a nearly 400 mile round-trip ride to the coast on the motorcycle.  It's hard to believe, but the scenery just keeps getting better, or maybe it's just different scenery that makes it better.

Just about the whole route followed along the Skeena River, which is famous for it's salmon runs.  And the run must have been on because people were parked, camping, and fishing at several spots along the way.

This guy, a long way from the ocean, must have been looking for an easy meal.  Either that or the seals were running too!

Prince Rupert was a bit disappointing, but we walked the shops a bit, grabbed a bite to eat, and headed back the same way we came.  Of course seeing things we missed on the way down, like this mountain with twin waterfalls running down it.

Tomorrow may be our first stop in Alaska, hopefully to see Griz catching a salmon or two, so stay tuned!

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