Friday, July 15, 2011

July 13 and 14 - The Alaska Highway and Whitehorse

After a quick stop to the Signpost Forest in Watson Lake (over 55,000 signs!), we headed west for Whitehorse in the Yukon.  This sign tells it all.


Compared to the day before, the Alaska Highway was a dream.  Only a few frost heaves along the way, and they were all marked pretty well.  So we made good time and got to Whitehorse about 4:00 in the afternoon.

 Along the way, we stopped at a little town named Teslin for fuel and a look at this highly acclaimed wildlife museum.  We weren't really expecting it, but this place was really well done.  Here's a display of two moose heads locked together in battle.  There was a picture above them of the two intact skeletons that were found.

There were several really nice displays of northern wildlife.  Here's a few of them.  They all seemed to show something being eaten, but one of the themes of the museum was the fact that while it seems cruel, it is all part of life for predator and prey in the wild.

It was a rainy day on  Thursday, so we decided to check out Whitehorse, the capitol city of the Yukon Province.  A really nice town - in the summer anyway.

And of course we stopped by the airport to see the World's Largest Weathervane.  It is a real DC-3, mounted on a swivel post and perfectly balanced so that it will point in the direction the wind is blowing.  Pretty neat.

Tomorrow we're looking forward to a motorcycle ride for our second trip to Alaska to visit the  town of Skagway.


  1. Isn't it sweet to find those unexpected little gems along the way?

  2. Did you make a sign for the sign post forest? We posted ours near one our friends had posted 5 years before. As we were looking for it, Butch found the one his brother had posted too.
