Monday, July 11, 2011

July 7 - Into Canada

Our first day out of the country, but before we could get very far, Canadian Customs decided they wanted to look over everything in the truck and trailer - yippee!  They mainly wanted to look at our bear spray, so they said.  So after a 20 minute or so delay, away we went.

We headed through Vancouver, which was a mess with construction and all the big city stuff, thankfully leaving it behind.  Maybe we'll stop next time, but we're in search of wilderness on this trip.  We drove up highway 99, also named the "Sea to Sky Highway".   It was rainy, but the views of Vancouver Island and all the others were still great.  Hard to believe mountains could rise so high right out of the ocean.

We didn't drive too far this day.  We wanted to stop at Whistler and see what it looked like after all the big Olympic happenings in 2010.  We found a nice spot at the Whistler RV park, just south of town.  It was pricey though, just like everything else in the area.

Once we were set up, we took off for a few sights and to see the town.  We stopped for a short hike to see the 70 metre high (yeah, remember we're in metric Canada now!) Brandywine Falls.  Here's a pic and a video.

Whistler Village was next.  This place is big and full of shops and restaurants.  We got lost a couple of times.  It poured rain for a while, but we were able to stay under cover for the most.

Roxane got a little carried away at the Olympic whatchamacallit.

When we got back to the truck, the sun came out a bit and made this nice rainbow.

And the end was right there in front of us.  No pot 'o gold though.

On our way back to the campground, we did get our first pic of a black bear, but it was a bit fuzzy - the pic and the bear, so we won't post it up here.

1 comment:

  1. Woowie, Rox! What event did you win? You are one super champ at rug braiding, that's for sure! LOL!
    Beautiful pictures, again!
